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2024-2025 Balanced Calendar
What is a Balanced Calendar?
What is intersession?
We currently do not have required school days February 20-23, 2024, those days are reserved for staff and students to take advantage of some much needed rest from the rigors of the school year. We will however have a week for students, which we call ‘Intersession’ where students can come to school and receive continued instruction, with more of an emphasis on enrichment (think, Summer School in February).
Who should attend intersession?
Students P-12 can attend intersession. If you plan to have your student attend, it is now time to register for the February 2024 Intersession Week. Please fill out the registration form attached to this document and get it to your building secretary by Friday, January 27, 2024 @ 3:15 PM
When is Intersession #2?
February 20-23, 2024 Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday times are 8-2:45, Friday is 8-1:30.
Where does intersession occur?
P/TK classes happen in their current classroom. K-5 classes will be split up amongst the 5 teachers who signed up to put on intersession and will rotate amongst them throughout the day. 6-12 classes will be with one to two teachers and students will be involved in a series of activities.
Is there meal service? Is there transportation?
Yes. But we need to plan for both of these, so this is why we need you to register.
Does my student have to attend all 4 days?
We would prefer that if a student registers, they do attend all 4 days. It makes planning much easier. We will have a requirement that each student has to show up to at least two days of the week in order to participate in the field trip.
Will the district have all services like a ‘normal’ school day?
This is another reason that we need you to register. These are not required days for our staff. So if there are specialized accommodations that your student may need, we need time to make sure we can have personnel properly in place and trained to handle these situations.
Here is a recording of our first Balanced Calendar Meeting. Thanks to all who attended. Next Meeting TBD.
Balanced Calendar Meeting #2
Balanced Calendar Meeting #3
Balanced Calendar Meeting #4