Regular report on how each grade level is making 1 year’s growth in 1 year’s time
We will use iReady and DIBELs to Start
Board presentations by teachers will be by folks articulating the changes they are making in their classrooms and the results they are achieving
Mr. Staley will meet 2 times per month and go over scores with Ms. Nemes and the building principal. We will discuss Math one week and Reading two weeks later.
Mr. Staley will be in buildings observing instruction more often this year.
Monthly reporting to the board on our progress.
Principals will meet with each teacher monthly (huddles) to discuss reading and math results (where appropriate).
Team will develop a plan to adjust instruciton and create intervention.
Principals will report to our board 3 times a year on how they are coaching instruction to improve.
Staff will regularly be looking at iReady/DIBELs data and identifying standards students are not proficient.
A unit/plan will be developed to address these standards for the month.
Students will be targeted at each grade level to get to standard.
Interventions for all students will be developed.
Instructional adjustment discussed at PLCs.
Students will learn about their progress
Students will see their progress on their assessments
Students will engage in productive struggle
Students will have regular feedback and celebrations as they make progress
Parents will learn about their student’s progress
Parents will see their progress on their assessments
Parents will receive regular feedback and celebrations as their student makes progress
Activities/Supports at home will be sent to parents to help their student
Increase in Family nights to encourage more reading and math at home
A referral procedure will be developed to send students to Youth Center and ASP
TAG will be communicated with ways to support students
We will have Math and ELA coaches in the building to support our work and move these intiatives forwards
PLCs, Huddles, Staff Meetings, Admin Meetings, and Board Meetings will all be focused on this goal.