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Systems Accountability


Attendance -- 95% of excused absences

Current Data

Action Steps:

-Native Ed/Attendance Specialist will work with building staff to monitor attendance daily and work with building secretaries to ensure building practices for communication and tracking are occurring daily.

-Attendance campaign and promoting school attendance

Balanced Calendar -- Monitor the implementation of the Balanced Calendar.  Are students who attend making gains academically?  

Survey Data (Coming soon)

Action Steps:

-Students, Staff, and Community will be surveyed on their opinion on our implementation of Balanced Calendar the last two years

-A Calendar Committee will develop Calendar options to present to the board no later than the March 24, 2025 Board meeting.

Communication -- District will continue to increase opportunities for 2-way communication between the school and families and provide opportunities for families to be involved in our school.  

Action Steps:

-Student Focus Groups

-Regular Building and District communication has maintained (or increased) and is very consistent both internally and externally.  

-Increased volunteerism in the buildings

-Tribal and Non-Tribal Parent Focus Groups

-PTO has increased its presence in our school

Discipline -- District will provide opportunities for students to be recognized and rewarded for their positive contributions to our school.  

Action Steps:

-Consistent implementation of Building Procedures

-Students assigned to appropriate, least restrictive environments for their learning needs.

Emergency Planning -- Continue partnerships/maintain coordination/enhance response plan

Action Steps:

-Maintain Safety Drills monthly.

-District Safety Committee meets quarterly

-Maintaining emergency partnerships with Grays Harbor Fire #1, Grays Harbor Sheriff, and Chehalis Tribal Police Department.

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